Monday, March 22, 2010

Uglies, Pretties, Specials by Scott Westerfeld Books # 9, 10, and 11

This is a triology written by Scott Westerfeld, I read all 3 books in 3-4 days. These books are kind of like Hunger Games, but also nothing like Hunger Games, just because I think they would probably be found in the young adult section, but adults will like them just as much as any teenager/young adult. They are also very clean, I can't remember if there is any swearing, but if there is there is very little.

They are about a civilization living on earth 300 years after the world as we all know it today is destroyed. They talk a little bit about what happened to destroy our world. It is full of different kinds of technology that we don't have yet, but is kind of fun to think about. Each of the books follows one girl, Tally Youngblood, who is 15-16ish through all 3 books.

I liked these books a lot and would recommend them to anyone that wants a good read. I had a hard time putting them down and had quite a bit of laundry and dishes to do after I was finished, which is always the sign that I have been reading a good book. I wish I hadn't read them yet so I could read them for the first time all over again.

Uglies is the first one and it took me a little while to figure out what exactly was going on, but I was able to get into it pretty quickly. I liked this one a lot, even though it ended up being my least favorite of the three.

The second one is Pretties and picks up shortly after the first one ends. I liked this one more than the first because I already knew what was going on and could understand the "language" of the book if you know what I mean.

The last one is Specials. I think this one was probably my favorite of the three, although it was close between this one and Pretties. This one introduces some new characters and new parts of the civilization that we didn't know about in the other books.

Each book leaves you wondering what will happen in the next one, but it doesn't leave you hanging too much. The last one wraps up pretty nicely although there were still a few unanswered questions I had that I ended up having to decide on my own. It took me a while to pick up another book after I finished these three because I needed time to digest them after I finished.

The Uglies, Pretties and Specials each got 5 out of 5 stars from me...the first ones of this year, with hopefully more to come!

Next up-A Prison Diary by Jeffrey Archer

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