Friday, March 5, 2010

Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis #4

Book #4 was one that I had to wait a while in order to get it from the library. It was Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis. I am sure it was just because I requested it shortly after the movie came out and everyone else had seen the movie and, like me, wanted to read the book.

The book was more about the fundamentals of football than I was prepared for. I learned more about football from reading this book than I had learned in watching it with my husband for the last 9 years. The author went back and forth about the fundamentals of football and the story of Michael Oher. I had no problem getting through the parts about Michael Oher, but the other parts took me a while.

The things I liked about the book was learning more about the story of Michael Oher, and also the knowledge I gained from reading the book. I have a whole new appreciation for football and football players after reading this book. The things I weren't crazy about was just the fact that it was different than what I was expecting, and not necessarily in a bad way, just different. I also didn't like the way they made Michael Oher look like he was completely clueless about a lot of things. I have only seen one interview with him that I can remember, but he did not come across as being as dumb as the book made it seem like.

I give this one 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult

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