Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tales From the Crib by Risa Green #6

Tales from the Crib by Risa Green was a random choice for me. I was walking through the mall one day and notice the B. Dalton had just closed for good the day before. There was a small box outside the door with a sign saying "Free Books" on it. So I dug through and picked a couple of books out. This was one of them.

I picked up this book and read the first few pages and put it down for a week or two, which is unusual for me. She had used the "F" word 3-4 times and so far had only talked about how much she hated being a mother. I don't mind a little bit of swearing, but I felt that was a little excessive, and I wasn't sure that the book was going to be my cup of tea so to speak. I picked it back up when I didn't have anything else to read. I was going to give it through the next chapter and then see how I felt. It picked up pretty quickly.

The main character has just had a baby and is having a hard time adjusting to life. As a mother myself some of the parts made me laugh as I could relate to how she was feeling as you are trying to adjust to life as a mother. Other parts of it made me roll my eyes. Overall it was a good book, an easy read and entertaining, and that's about it.

Tales from the Crib gets 3 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Songs of the Humpback Whale by Jodi Picoult

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