Friday, March 5, 2010

Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything by Phil Bolsta #3

One Moment Changes Everything by Phil Bolsta was book #3. This was a different kind of book than I usually read. I did not have any books that I had requested at the library waiting for me so I picked this one up off the shelf. It contains a bunch of short stories about moments different people have had in their lives and how it affected the rest of their lives. Some of them were centered around huge life changing events and others were on a much smaller scale.

It took me a while to finish this one. Some of the stories I found fascinating, most of them I had a hard time getting through. I think the longest one was only 4 or 5 pages, which I was grateful for. It was nice to be able to sit down for a few minutes at a time and be able to read an entire story. I was able to put it down much easier because of that.

I give it 2 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis

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