Monday, March 22, 2010

A Prison Diary by Jeffrey Archer #12

A Prison Diary was a strange choice for me and I still haven't figured out how I feel about it. Maybe writing the review will help me decide. In 2001 Jeffrey Archer was sent to prison in Great Britain and kept a diary of what happened every day for the 2 years he was in prison, and has now published 3 books talking about each day. The first book starts with him being booked into prison, and he never explained what for, so I had to go searching on the internet to find out what he did. Turns out he was found guilty for perjury and perverting the court of justice.

It was very interesting to read about some of the things we experienced while locked up. The first book was pretty long and hard for me to get in to at times. I like to have a lot of dialogue and there was very little in this book. It was interesting to see what prison is like from the eyes of someone who has not been in and out of it his whole life, and who has the ability to describe everything in detail yet keep it interesting.

There were definitely parts that were intriguing, while others parts I could have done without. When I finished the book I was wondering what happens next but I don't know if I could make it through another whole book to find out.

Prison Diary gets 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Extras by Scott Westerfeld

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