Friday, September 24, 2010

The Last Child by John Hart #38

The Last Child by John Hart is a book that I saw in Costco and it looked interesting so I wrote down the title and author and found it at the library. I rarely buy books because I read them so fast and rarely re-read books so it becomes a waste of money.

The story is about a young boy whose little sister has been missing for a while. He is determined to find out who took her and where she is. Other parts of his life have fallen apart. His dad left him and his mom, and his mom is having a hard time dealing with all the blows life has dealt her.

It was a good book that had quite a few surprises in it. It took me a while to figure out some of the questions in the book and who was involved in what. I like it when the book I am reading aren't too predictable. This book made me think of my dad because this is the type of book he would like.

The Last Child gets 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult

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