Thursday, September 30, 2010

Saving Sammy by Beth Maloney # 44

Saving Sammy by Beth Maloney is a book that I read about in a magazine. I can't even remember which magazine but it sounded interesting. It is written by a mother/lawyer about her real life son. He was a perfectly normal boy until one day when he was 12 years old starting showing signs of OCD and Tourette's. Within a week he was already dealing with severe symptoms of both OCD and Tourettes. The book centers around the struggles the family had while trying to deal with his sickness and the lengths his mother went to "cure" him.

I loved this book. It was heartbreaking to read about all the different things this poor boy struggles with. I almost always love books about real life stories. Beth Maloney is quite a mother. She managed to remain strong for her children during times that are way harder than I can even imagine.

She figured out that his particular problems were triggered by a strep infection. She always goes on to say that other mental illnesses have been linked to different infections. I was happy when she added that she does not think that all mental illnesses are linked to infections, but some of them may be, and be cured once the real culprit is found. I learned a lot from her book and hopefully it is something that I will not have to deal with in my life, but I won't soon forget the lessons I learned from her.

Saving Sammy gets 5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

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