Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Can't Stop Me by Max Allan Collins #42

You Can't Stop Me by Max Allan Collins is another book that reminds me of my dad. I can't remember how it got on my list, but I have a feeling that my dad recommended it to me. It is a murder mystery involving a serial killer. The main character of the book is a former police officer who turned into a host of a TV show similar to America's Most Wanted after his wife and son are shot and killed in their own home. He puts a team together to find the killer.

It is a pretty typical murder mystery story, but it did a good job of scaring me at times, I knew this because there were a couple of nights that I became scared of the dark a little bit. When I am reading a thriller I know it is doing its job when I develop a fear of the dark. It is a good book, nothing super spectacular, but good and I got through it pretty quickly even if it is a good size.

You Can't Stop Me gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

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