Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale #40

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale was another interesting book. It is about a Mormon housewife/mother of soon to be 4. who meets and becomes best friends with a Hollywood actor/hunk. Since I am also a Mormon housewife and a mother of 3 I thought it could be an interesting book since I am similar enough to the main character.

The book was entertaining. It made me laugh at points, and yes, I'll admit, I cried at one point too. But overall, I didn't really get the book. I didn't find it believable at all, and I just didn't really like the storyline. While reading it, I barely put it down, but overall I just didn't like it.

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale gets 2 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

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