Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson # 45

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo By Stieg Larsson is a book that I have heard a lot about in the last little while. I guess it has become quite popular. I requested it at the library and was #443. It took me about a month to get my hands on it. Stieg Larsson is a Swedish writer who wrote a this book and two sequels, delivered them to be printed in 2004, and died a short time later from a heart attack. The books were later translated into English. The original Swedish title translates to "Men who Hate Women", if I would have known that I might not have read it, but I only learned that after reading it.

There were two main problems I had with this book. First is that there was a lot of sexual violence against women, and other types of violence. The other problem I had was that I did not like the main male character at all. I don't want to spoil anything for those that haven't read it and might want to, but this guy sleeps with several different women throughout the book, and it's the women seducing him. I doubt this guy was that irresistible if you know what I mean.

The story was okay. It was interesting and intriguing and I found myself caring what happened and wanting to know the ending. The ending was both surprising and predictable. I know that doesn't make sense but I had pegged someone as being the "bad guy" and I was right, but the crime and motive were different than I thought.

Now my problem is trying to figure out if I should read the other two books. This one leaves off at a good part and I think the second one could be quite different, but it could be the same. I think I will pick it up and try it out, but if it continues with all the sexual violence I'm going to put it down. There are too many good books out there for me to be wasting my time on that kind of trash.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo gets 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-I'm not sure yet (what?!?) I have 4 books requested at the library so whichever one comes in next will be my "Next up".

1 comment:

  1. I started reading this book, but just couldn't get into it. Tyson started and made it through the whole book and filled me in on the details. It was very disturbing just to hear about. I decided it wasn't a book for me. I'm really surprised this book is so popular. We rented the movie thinking it would be a lot different from the book (how could they put all that graphic detail in the movie)? Well, they did. We have the next book and Tyson hasn't read it yet, so if you decide you want to try reading it, you're welcome to borrow it.
