Thursday, September 30, 2010

Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock #43

Princess Ben was a book that I found on Amazon. I have read similar books this year. It reminds me a lot of Graceling and Fire, only a little less believable. This book has magic and imaginary creatures, which I don't mind in books, but it didn't work as well in this book as it does in other books. I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't.

The main character bugged me at times and I thought was immature throughout most of the book, but she is young so it worked. The other problem I had with the book is that I found it a little too easy to predict. I didn't have very many surprises throughout the book.

After saying all that you will all probably think I am crazy when I say that I liked the book. It was interesting to watch the main character grow up and mature, and the story itself wasn't that bad even if it was predictable.

Princess Ben gets 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Saving Sammy by Beth Maloney

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