Friday, September 24, 2010

Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult # 39

Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult was # 39 on my list (I'm getting so close I can almost see it). It was a different book than most. The question is, Is that a good thing or a bad? The answer is, I haven't decided yet. I finished this one a while ago and have read several more since, but I still can't decide how I really feel about it.

The story is about a young girl whose parents have just recently been divorced. All the sudden she starts talking to God, a female God. It becomes quite the controversy for all the different characters in the book, and I am sure Jodi Picoult got some of that as well when the book first came out. Now, I have my own beliefs about God (one of which is that he is male) so while it was a good story, it felt like a story than a real-life account. The other controversy throughout the book centered around the question "Why would God choose to talk to an 8 year old child?" I kept thinking throughout the book, Well, I believe he talked to this 14 year old boy, so if he wanted to, than yes, he could talk to this 8 year old girl. Although throughout the whole book we never really hear of any specific message that God is giving to the girl, and I would think if he is going to talk, he is going to have something to say.

The story told in Keeping Faith was an okay story. Nothing spectacular or too exciting.

Keeping Faith gets 3 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale

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