Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins #41

Mockingjay. Oh boy, here we go. I am a little sad that the Hunger Games trilogy is now over. But I guess there is only so many times you can send someone in to the Hunger Games without it being overkill. Which is what I liked about Mockingjay, it was different than the first two, just like everyone knew it would be. It was a lot darker than the first two, which is weird to say if you know the first two at all, but I felt like there were more light-hearted parts in the first two and the last one was really dark almost the whole way through, but that is how it had to be. If Katniss had arrived at District 13 and been as happy as can be it wouldn't feel real.

The only thing I would like to have seen different is that I would've liked it if Katniss would have been involved in the rescue of Peeta. I think they should have had her storm the Capital just like she did, but rescue Peeta at the same time.

Overall, I loved Mockingjay. I still think Catching Fire was my favorite of the three, but it all ended well, and I felt like it didn't leave any loose strings at the end.

Mockingjay gets 5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-You Can't Stop Me by Max Allan Collins

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