Monday, August 2, 2010

Princess Academy by Shannon Hale #32

The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale is another book that I found at my mom and dad's house. This will probably be a common theme in the next little while because I found a whole stack that I will probably end up reading. I have already read Goose Girl by Shannon Hale this year and loved it so I had a good idea that I would like this one as well, and I did. I read the whole thing in less than one day. It is just over 300 pages, but they are short pages and it is an easy read.

It does not follow any of the same characters or places that Goose Girl does, it is an entirely different story. I liked this one because I liked the main character. I thought she was believable and likable.

Overall it was a good, entertaining story. I had a hard time putting it down and when I finished it, I found myself wishing I had more to read, even though the story was wrapped up nicely. The ending was great because it was different than I had predicted, which is always nice.

Princess Academy gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

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