Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Mother in Me Edited by Kathryn Lynard Soper # 31

The Mother in Me is a book that I found at my mom's house. I packed it in my hospital bag and read it while recovering from having my third child. It was the perfect book to read after having a baby. Especially since I already have two and know how hard it can be at times to be a mother. The book is full of a essays written by a bunch of different women about their experiences of being pregnant, giving birth, adopting children, and being a mother. Some of them were funny, some were interesting but all of them were uplifting and thoughtful.

This is the type of book that I like to read because I finish a whole story from start to finish in a short amount of time and put the book down if I need to. Plus if there is a part that I don't like as much as the others I know I will be done with that part soon and on to something else. On the flip side I always end up reading "just one more" and reading much longer than I had planned or have time for.

I loved this book. It might have a lot to do with what was going on in my personal life, but it was a good short read that left me feeling good, and happy and proud to be a mother.

The Mother in Me gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Princess Academy by Shannon Hale

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