Sunday, August 29, 2010

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins #36

Some of you may think I am cheating by reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and counting it towards my goal because I have already read it. I had to re-read it because the third, and final, book is coming out and I will be reading it soon. If you live under a rock and haven't heard of these books, they are part of the Hunger Games series. (#1-Hunger Games, #2-Catching Fire, #3-Mockingjay).

I LOVE Catching Fire. I didn't know if I would love it the second time or not, but I think I liked it more the second time. It makes me want to go back and read Hunger Games (which I may). I could not put it down, and I read the whole thing in less than 18 hours, which is rare for me when reading a book for the second time. After finishing it, I became that much more excited for Mockingjay. If you haven't read the series, you should. You need to start with the first one though. Also, I have heard they are making a movie out of it that should be coming out next year sometime, so if you want to read it before the movie be aware of that. Let's hope they find a way to keep it PG-13.

Catching Fire gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Winter's Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray

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