Sunday, August 29, 2010

Winter's Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray # 37

Winter's Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray was recommended to me by someone, and now I can't remember who. (Sorry whoever it was, I really need to start writing down who recommended what book to me.) It is an Amish love story which is always intriguing to me because let's face it, the Amish are different than anyone I have ever met. And throw in a love story? What could be better?

The book was a pretty quick and easy read. It follows three main characters as they struggle with different things and shows how they cope with the struggles. It was good and worth reading, although I felt like the struggles they were dealing with could (and should) have been resolved in 100 pages or less and it took about 250 pages.

Winter's Awakening gets 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Last Child by John Hart

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins #36

Some of you may think I am cheating by reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and counting it towards my goal because I have already read it. I had to re-read it because the third, and final, book is coming out and I will be reading it soon. If you live under a rock and haven't heard of these books, they are part of the Hunger Games series. (#1-Hunger Games, #2-Catching Fire, #3-Mockingjay).

I LOVE Catching Fire. I didn't know if I would love it the second time or not, but I think I liked it more the second time. It makes me want to go back and read Hunger Games (which I may). I could not put it down, and I read the whole thing in less than 18 hours, which is rare for me when reading a book for the second time. After finishing it, I became that much more excited for Mockingjay. If you haven't read the series, you should. You need to start with the first one though. Also, I have heard they are making a movie out of it that should be coming out next year sometime, so if you want to read it before the movie be aware of that. Let's hope they find a way to keep it PG-13.

Catching Fire gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Winter's Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray

Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult # 35

Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult was another true-to-form Jodi Picoult book. The topic(s) covered in this book are definitely heavy ones, and also controversial. It makes you put it down and think "Would I do the same thing if I was in that person's shoes?"

This book was a little more disturbing to me than some of her others. It has a lot of controversy in it and every time you think it has gotten as bad as it could something surprising happens and it gets worse.

I had a hard time putting it down though because I had to see how the train wreck was going to end. It ended differently than I thought it would, and that is probably a bad thing.

Overall it was an okay book, it made me think a lot and hope that I never find myself in a similar situation to the characters in the book.

Perfect Match gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty #34

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty was another random pick for me. I picked it up off of the shelf in the library. As I have mentioned earlier, I usually am really bad at doing this. Especially when my kids are with me (which they were) because I am trying to pick a book or two faster than they can take every book off of the shelf, which isn't long.

The "surprise" for me about Three Wishes is that it is written by an Australian author, and therefore takes place in Australia with Australian characters. They talk a little bit differently than Americans so it took a little getting used to some of their phrases.

The book is about triplets and the mess they make of their lives, and the relationships they have with each other. It was a good book. It was one of those light-hearted books that make for a good vacation book. Each of the sisters has a different problem in her life and some of them are heavier problems than others, but overall it has that light-hearted feel to it, if you know what I mean.

I liked Three Wishes, it was a good, easy, fun read. I had a harder time putting it down than I thought I would.

I give Three Wishes 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up- Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult

Linger by Maggie Stiefvater # 33

Linger is the second of a three book series. The first one is called Shiver. I read it earlier this year and have been waiting for Linger to come out for quite a while. I really like Shiver, and the ending made me want more and quickly. I remember being so disappointed when I saw the Linger was due to come out until July. So I was happy when it finally arrived at the library and I got my hands on it.

I was disappointed by Linger. I can't exactly pinpoint why either. I was a little irritated that it picked up a few months or so after the first one left off. The other problem was that it had been so long since I read the first one that I had forgotten some key information (characters, storylines, etc.) and I didn't feel like the author did a good job of reminding me. In a lot of the series books that I have read recently I feel like they do a good job of explaining things from the previous book, and this one was missing that.

That said, this book once again left me hanging and wanting to know what is going to happen next. I will probably read the third one when it comes out (July 2011). But I feel like I might need to re-read this one and maybe even the first one before I do. We'll see how I am feeling next July.

Overall it was worth reading to see what happens next in the story and it was entertaining. But I did not have a hard time putting it down, which is not a good sign.

I give Linger 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty

Monday, August 2, 2010

Princess Academy by Shannon Hale #32

The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale is another book that I found at my mom and dad's house. This will probably be a common theme in the next little while because I found a whole stack that I will probably end up reading. I have already read Goose Girl by Shannon Hale this year and loved it so I had a good idea that I would like this one as well, and I did. I read the whole thing in less than one day. It is just over 300 pages, but they are short pages and it is an easy read.

It does not follow any of the same characters or places that Goose Girl does, it is an entirely different story. I liked this one because I liked the main character. I thought she was believable and likable.

Overall it was a good, entertaining story. I had a hard time putting it down and when I finished it, I found myself wishing I had more to read, even though the story was wrapped up nicely. The ending was great because it was different than I had predicted, which is always nice.

Princess Academy gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Linger by Maggie Stiefvater