Saturday, May 1, 2010

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater #25

Shiver is a book that I found from Amazon. I did not read any of the synopsis so I had no idea what to expect. I was not disappointed.

Shiver is a little bit like Twilight in that it is about a girl that falls in love with a mythical creature (in this case, a werewolf). When I figured that much out I was thinking "Great! Am I going to have to sit through this whole book thinking about Bella, Edward and Jacob?" The answer would be "no". First of all because there are no vampires in this book. Also because the characters are a lot less annoying than Edward and Bella can be at times. I can hear everyone gasping right now that I would say something like that, but it's true, they are kind of whiny sometimes.

Overall I loved the book. It is told from the point of view of the two main characters which is something I have always loved in a book. I was surprised by the end and even said out loud "That's a stupid ending". What I really meant by that was that it is a stupid ending because there is a part 2 (and 3) that aren't even out yet (book #2 will be out in July) and I want to read what happens next. I am hoping that book #2 (called Linger) will pick up right where Shiver left off, but I have a feeling it will pick up a few months later. I am already on the hold list for Linger at the library.

Shiver gets 5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

P.S. This will be book #26 and then I will be halfway already! I had to pick a Jodi Picoult book since I am determined to finish reading each of her books this year, it seemed like a fitting book for the halfway mark.

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say that I am so happy you are documenting all these books so now when I need a book to read I can go back through all these and pick one that you have already read and recommended. I can't keep up with you though!
