Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Maze Runner by James Dashner #21

The Maze Runner was one that I found through Amazon's Other People Bought tool. It is written by a local (Utah) author. I found his blog which you can see here if you are interested.

The Maze Runner is another far-fetched story about our world in a different time and in different circumstances. It starts out interestingly enough with a boy waking up in a box that sounds similar to an elevator, but not quite the same and he can't remember anything about his life before that moment. He gets to this alternate world where there are a bunch of other boys. It took me a while to get into it. Just as I was starting to get annoyed because I had a bunch of questions and they weren't being answered, it started getting better, than it got good.

I always know when a book I am reading is good because I fall asleep thinking about the characters and wake up still thinking about them. I did both of those with this book and couldn't stop trying to figure out the solution to their problems. I found myself missing the characters a little bit when I finished the book. There is a second book, but it doesn't come out until October. The first one left just enough unanswered questions that I will be getting the second one in October.

The Maze Runner gets 5 out of 5 stars for me. If you try it just remember to keep reading, it gets better, I promise.

Next up-Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

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