Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad #19

This is one of those books that I feel a little embarrassed to admit that I have read. For those that may not know, Lauren Conrad is the star of the MTV show, The Hills. I will admit that I am a fan of The Hills, more when Lauren was on than I am now though. This is a sequel to L.A. Candy, her first book. I read L.A. Candy last year mostly to see if she could write at all. When you take into account that her target audience is teenagers, it wasn't all that bad.

Both L.A. Candy and Sweet Little Lies have enough similarities to her life on The Hills that it makes you think none of it is made up, just changed here and there to make it a little different than her real life. It was an entertaining read and does show you how real "reality tv" really is. This book isn't anything that will change your life or make you think at all, but it was an entertaining read which was all I was really expecting.

Sweet Little Lies gets 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Fire by Kristin Cashore

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