Monday, April 12, 2010

Graceling by Kristin Cashore # 16

Graceling was recommended to me by someone I don't even know. I was in the church library one night making copies and started up a conversation with librarian that was there. She had just finished reading it and told me how much she enjoyed it. She also shared with me her tip to finding good books to read. She goes to and looks up a book that she liked and then looks at the "Customers who bought this item also bought" list. Then she will only consider it if it has 4 or more stars for the rating with a lot of reviews. I will be using this tip in the near future. So I got Graceling at the library not really knowing what to expect. I don't even know this girl that recommended it to me but thought I would trust her after she gave me that good amazon tip.

I really liked Graceling. It is another one of those books about someone who lives in a time/place that is not like where we live today and who is trying to revolt from the ways of their world. It was harder for me to put down this book than it was for some of the other books I had read before it, which is a good sign. All in all I was impressed with how well I liked it considering I didn't even know the person who suggested it to me.

I give Graceling 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

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