Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins #18

Suzanne Collins is the author that wrote the Hunger Games series, and I was told that her Gregor the Overlander series was good as well. The second I opened the book I could tell it was a kids book not really adult. I flipped it to the back cover and sure enough there was a "RL5" written on it. It kind of turned me off but I decided to give it a try anyway.

It was actually good. Suzanne Collins is a good author that does a good job of getting you interested in the characters so it wasn't that surprising to me that I liked it. I thought it was a book that boys would like more than girls, but if you are looking for a book for your kids and they are at or near a reading level of 5 it might be worth giving it a shot. It is very clean, no swearing or anything like that. It is about a boy that falls into an underground world that had huge cockroaches and rats that talk and things like that so it might be a little scary or strange for young kids.

Overall I liked it and if I had kids that could read on that level I would let them read it, and I think it does a great job of keeping the interest of the reader. There are 3 or 4 more books in the series, I am not running out to read them, but I would consider it if there weren't any other books on my list.

I give Gregor the Overlander 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad

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