Monday, April 12, 2010

Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult # 15

Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult is one of her older books. I think I have discovered that I like Jodi Picoult's newer books better. The reason I like the newer books better is because they are usually a little more controversial and make me look at different situations in a new light. The older books are somewhat controversial but not in the same way. I don't know how to explain it better than that.

This book was okay. It started out looking like it would be a pretty intriguing story but the story quickly changed into a different topic than I thought I would be reading about. The newer topic wasn't one that I was as interested in, but it still turned out to be pretty good.

All in all Picture Perfect was just okay. If you want a good Jodi Picoult book to read there are others I would recommend before I would recommend this one.

Picture Perfect gets 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Graceling by Kristin Cashore

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