Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult #26!!!

Well, I finished The Tenth Circle (in less than 24 hours including breaks) and am now halfway to my goal! The Tenth Circle is a newer (2006) Jodi Picoult so I did enjoy it quite a bit. It did have some controversy in it although not to the extent that My Sister's Keeper or Handle with Care had. Jodi Picoult did not disappoint in this book.

Basically the story is about a young girl that is raped by someone she knows and how everyone must deal with the aftermath of what happened. Overall I liked it a lot. There were parts of it that I found myself wanting to skip but just as I would start to think that it would get back to the better parts.

The Tenth Circle gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater #25

Shiver is a book that I found from Amazon. I did not read any of the synopsis so I had no idea what to expect. I was not disappointed.

Shiver is a little bit like Twilight in that it is about a girl that falls in love with a mythical creature (in this case, a werewolf). When I figured that much out I was thinking "Great! Am I going to have to sit through this whole book thinking about Bella, Edward and Jacob?" The answer would be "no". First of all because there are no vampires in this book. Also because the characters are a lot less annoying than Edward and Bella can be at times. I can hear everyone gasping right now that I would say something like that, but it's true, they are kind of whiny sometimes.

Overall I loved the book. It is told from the point of view of the two main characters which is something I have always loved in a book. I was surprised by the end and even said out loud "That's a stupid ending". What I really meant by that was that it is a stupid ending because there is a part 2 (and 3) that aren't even out yet (book #2 will be out in July) and I want to read what happens next. I am hoping that book #2 (called Linger) will pick up right where Shiver left off, but I have a feeling it will pick up a few months later. I am already on the hold list for Linger at the library.

Shiver gets 5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

P.S. This will be book #26 and then I will be halfway already! I had to pick a Jodi Picoult book since I am determined to finish reading each of her books this year, it seemed like a fitting book for the halfway mark.

The Survivors by Gregg Luke #24

The Survivors is another book that I found from the reviews on the libraries website. I didn't realize until I picked it up to read that it is a LDS-fiction book. I tend to shy away from some of those types of books because they can be a little too cheesy for me. This one was no different, I wish I could say that it was and that I loved every bit of it, but I just can't.

The good parts about it is that it was an uplifting story and I did like one of the main characters a lot. There were other characters along the way that I liked too. There were also parts that made me laugh.

Unfortunately there were also parts that were too predictable for me, and others that made me roll my eyes a little bit.

As far as LDS fiction books go, it was pretty typical. If you like those types of books you should read it. Otherwise, there are a lot of other books that I would rather read.

The Survivors gets 2 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Letters for Emily by Camron Steve Wright #23

Letters for Emily was one I found from the libraries website. Someone had written a review and I decided to try it out. It wasn't a very long or hard read. I think I read the whole thing in one sitting and it took me about 3 hours.

The story is about an old man who leaves behind some letters for his young granddaughter, Emily, to read when he passes away. Instead of leaving them out in the open, she has to find clues which will help her find each letter. The letters are meant to be inspiring and to teach her how to live a good life. It is a little more complicated than that, of course, but that is the basic idea.

I liked the story a lot. It was nice to be able to start and finish a book in the same night. It was interesting to watch the characters deal with the different situations they had going on in their lives.

Letters for Emily gets 3 out of 5 stars.

Next up-The Survivors by Gregg Luke

Goose Girl by Shannon Hale #22

Goose Girl was recommended to me by my mom who (I think) read it for her book club. She didn't rave about it a whole lot so I wasn't sure what to expect. One thing this year has taught me is to be a little more skeptical about books when I pick them up, which is probably a good thing. It also has taught me how to predict what is going to happen next, and if the author actually manages to surprise me, it is a good thing.

It didn't take me very long to get into Goose Girl, but the end of the first or second chapter I was pretty much hooked. Throughout the book I kept guessing what I thought would happen next, and most of the time I was wrong. A few times I was right, but before I found out I was right I would start thinking I was wrong again. So needless to say, this book kept me on my toes.

The book is part of a series called the Books of Bayern. I don't think the stories are all tied in together, but I could be wrong about that. I will probably read some of the other books, but it won't be for a little while, but list of books I want to read seems to be getting longer and longer.

Goose Girl gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Letters for Emily by Camron Steve Wright

The Maze Runner by James Dashner #21

The Maze Runner was one that I found through Amazon's Other People Bought tool. It is written by a local (Utah) author. I found his blog which you can see here if you are interested.

The Maze Runner is another far-fetched story about our world in a different time and in different circumstances. It starts out interestingly enough with a boy waking up in a box that sounds similar to an elevator, but not quite the same and he can't remember anything about his life before that moment. He gets to this alternate world where there are a bunch of other boys. It took me a while to get into it. Just as I was starting to get annoyed because I had a bunch of questions and they weren't being answered, it started getting better, than it got good.

I always know when a book I am reading is good because I fall asleep thinking about the characters and wake up still thinking about them. I did both of those with this book and couldn't stop trying to figure out the solution to their problems. I found myself missing the characters a little bit when I finished the book. There is a second book, but it doesn't come out until October. The first one left just enough unanswered questions that I will be getting the second one in October.

The Maze Runner gets 5 out of 5 stars for me. If you try it just remember to keep reading, it gets better, I promise.

Next up-Goose Girl by Shannon Hale