Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner #50

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner is book #2 in a trilogy.  I read the first book, The Maze Runner earlier this year and liked it a lot.  This one just came out in October and the next one doesn't come out until next year.  I was a little concerned that I would have a hard time remembering the characters and the details of what happened in the first book to be able to follow the second book.  Even though the author did not do much, if any, backtracking explaining the first book, I had no problem remembering.

One thing that I did like about The Scorch Trials is that it picked up right where the first book left off.  I love that, I can't stand it when the second book in a series picks up way later than the first one left off.  I also liked that the characters stayed true to who they were in the first book.

I did not like this one as much as the first one though.  The first one had me thinking about it even when I wasn't reading it and trying to solve the problem.  This one was different in that the characters knew how to solve the problem, they just didn't know what would get in their way to reaching the end.  I liked The Maze Runner partially because of the mystery.

The Scorch Trials gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs

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