Friday, November 26, 2010

Room by Emma Donoghue # 54

Room by Emma Donoghue is one that I have started hearing more and more about and had to read.  It is about a girl that is kidnapped and held hostage in a room that is only 11x11.  When the story starts she has been held captive for 7 years, and has a 5 year old son.  The story is told from the point of view of the 5 year old, so it is a little "cleaner" than you would expect when you first hear what the story is about.

I liked the book, the fact that it is told by a 5 year old helps a lot.  I have a 5 year old and at first it bugged me that they 5 year old acted much younger than his age, but then I realized that if he had never been outside of that room, than that is what he would really be like with limited exposure to the outside world.  It was a good and believable story that had my heart pounding at times.

It made me think of a few stories I have heard about people that have been in that situation in real life and how hard it would be to be cut off from the world.  Especially the ones that have given birth while being held captive and how that must effect the children.

I did get a little irritated by the mom at some points of the book.  She acted the way you would expect someone in that situation to act, but I still found myself yelling at her a little bit in my mind.

Overall a really good story and much cleaner than I expected, even knowing it was told from a 5 year old's perspective.

Room gets 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Next up-Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster

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