Monday, October 25, 2010

Tags and 2011

I have added tags to all my previous posts.  I added one for 5 star books, one for 4 star books, and one for books that got less than 4 stars.  My sister gave me the idea and thought it would be easier to search for the books I liked that way.

I just finished book #49 this morning so I will hopefully be posting reviews on #48 and #49 today or tomorrow.  I'm getting close and can't wait to be able to say that I did it.

The whole reason I made this goal was to get the list of books that I want to read down to at least a manageable size.  I don't know how many were on that list for sure, but I think there were 40-50 books.  My list right now has 46, which does not count the 4 I have on hold at the library.  So obviously my bright idea didn't work.

That brings me to my idea for next year (I'm going to start as soon as I finish the 52 books though).  I have put all the books on my list in alphabetical order and I am going to start at the top of my list and read as many as I can.  I would like to finish the list as it stands right now, but it probably won't happen, which is fine.  I just want to get some of these books off of my list.  Some of these books have been on my list since I worked at my last job, which I quit almost 4 1/2 years ago!  It's time to finally take the time to read them.

Maybe I will even post the list when I start with it.  There is one book that I might read out of order because I keep hearing so much about it, and it starts with a "r" which will take me forever to get to.  It's going to be hard for me to stick to the list in order but I am determined to do it.

1 comment:

  1. love the tags...thanks! Such a good idea I had. And i love the idea for next year's reading schedule.
