Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Promise Me by Richard Paul Evans #48

Promise Me by Richard Paul Evans is book #48.  This is his latest book that just came out in early October.  I like Richard Paul Evans as an author.  His books are always a good quick read that leave me feeling glad that I took time to read it. 

I thought this particular book of his was a little bit different than his other books for a few reasons.  I guess most of his books have some kind of miracle involved that changes the lives of the characters, but the way the miracle played out in this one was kind of weird and disturbing at the same time.  I liked the story and it was definitely interesting, but I was a little disturbed by part of the story line, and not just a little part, but the major part.

I would love to talk to anyone who has read this book and their thoughts on it.  If you like Richard Paul Evans, you will like this book, but be warned that it is a little different than his other books, but still kind of the same.  I'm sorry I know I am not making any sense, but if you read the book you will understand.  If you have read the book, let me know what you thought of it and if you were disturbed by it like I was.

Promise Me gets 4 out of 5 stars.

Next up-A Painted House by John Grisham

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