Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger # 29

I wanted to read The Time Traveler's Wife before seeing the movie, but it ended up not working that way. I always enjoy the book more than the movie of any story, which I think most people would agree with. I can't think of any movies I enjoyed more than the book. The movie was alright. It felt a little long for me, but I was able to follow it and it wasn't too confusing which is obviously a good thing.

The book was just okay for me. I liked it and read it pretty quickly, but it wasn't one of those books that I just can't put down. It was a good story and worth reading though. I am wondering if I would have like the book more if I had waited to see the movie after reading it. I did find myself having to turn back to previous pages to figure out where we were in time according to which character I was reading about at the time.

If you liked the movie you will like the book. I felt pretty equally about the movie as I did the book. If I could go back I would read the book first though. Overall I will say it was a good story and I am glad it was on my list of books to read, but I wouldn't re-read it.

The Time Traveler's Wife gets 3 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Circle of Grace by Penelope J. Stokes

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