Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Mother in Me Edited by Kathryn Lynard Soper # 31

The Mother in Me is a book that I found at my mom's house. I packed it in my hospital bag and read it while recovering from having my third child. It was the perfect book to read after having a baby. Especially since I already have two and know how hard it can be at times to be a mother. The book is full of a essays written by a bunch of different women about their experiences of being pregnant, giving birth, adopting children, and being a mother. Some of them were funny, some were interesting but all of them were uplifting and thoughtful.

This is the type of book that I like to read because I finish a whole story from start to finish in a short amount of time and put the book down if I need to. Plus if there is a part that I don't like as much as the others I know I will be done with that part soon and on to something else. On the flip side I always end up reading "just one more" and reading much longer than I had planned or have time for.

I loved this book. It might have a lot to do with what was going on in my personal life, but it was a good short read that left me feeling good, and happy and proud to be a mother.

The Mother in Me gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Princess Academy by Shannon Hale

Circle of Grace by Penelope J. Stokes #30

Circle of Grace was a random choice for me. I took my kids to the library and wanted something for myself but didn't have my list of books that I want to read with me. So I did something I am usually not very successful at and just browsed the shelves until I found something I thought looked like it could possibly be good. Circle of Grace was the first one to stand out to me so I got it.

It is a story about 4 college roommates and the things they go through while going to college. It then goes on to follow the different paths each of their lives take and how it changes their friendship over the 30 years after graduating from college.

It was a good story and I really enjoyed reading it. It (again) wasn't the type of book that I couldn't put down, but I always enjoyed reading it and did not struggle to get through it at all. It was a pretty successful book for one that I just picked up off the shelf. I did think about the characters a little bit after I finished reading it, which is a positive sign.

Circle of Grace gets 4 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-The Mother in Me Edited by Kathryn Lynard Soper

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger # 29

I wanted to read The Time Traveler's Wife before seeing the movie, but it ended up not working that way. I always enjoy the book more than the movie of any story, which I think most people would agree with. I can't think of any movies I enjoyed more than the book. The movie was alright. It felt a little long for me, but I was able to follow it and it wasn't too confusing which is obviously a good thing.

The book was just okay for me. I liked it and read it pretty quickly, but it wasn't one of those books that I just can't put down. It was a good story and worth reading though. I am wondering if I would have like the book more if I had waited to see the movie after reading it. I did find myself having to turn back to previous pages to figure out where we were in time according to which character I was reading about at the time.

If you liked the movie you will like the book. I felt pretty equally about the movie as I did the book. If I could go back I would read the book first though. Overall I will say it was a good story and I am glad it was on my list of books to read, but I wouldn't re-read it.

The Time Traveler's Wife gets 3 out of 5 stars from me.

Next up-Circle of Grace by Penelope J. Stokes